“Love and Forgiveness: A New Way to Live”
reviewed by Susan Lendvay.
Do your ideals coincide with the Cayce readings’ main principles — i.e., seeing the God in each person, loving and forgiving all, condemning and judging none, praying for your enemies, and achieving a consciousness of Oneness with God? Then you will treasure the sparkling simplicity with which this author explains these complex concepts. She presents practical step-by-step applications of spiritual principles and shows how to achieve love and forgiveness.
Lorene McClintock studied with Joel Goldsmith, the noted 20th-century mystic, whose work is called “The Infinite Way.” Designated by him to carry on his work, she has taught many classes and individuals since 1964. She is also a longtime member of the A.R.E.
This book is a beautiful example of how the ultimate truths of many teachings are the same. There are parallels with the Cayce readings, Unity, the Course in Miracles, the Power of Now, Zen Buddhism, etc.
In personal anecdotes, the author shares the steps in her search, and how she gained insights by creatively following her inner voice. She created a totally new home-study system for piano for adults, and composed a meditative music CD, “Reflections of the Soul.”
Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this book is that the author’s soul seems to shine through it. There is a loving, peaceful, encouraging, and nurturing tone in her writing that feels like warm cocoa on a cold night. The effect is an assurance that all souls will make it, that God will not lose patience with any of us. We and God are all one, so there’s nowhere else to go. What could be more comforting?